Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What You Should Know About Hair Loss And How Do You Regrow Hair

Hair Loss is a common problem in both men and women and affects millions of people.However,it has a great emotional impact on women who are distressed by their problem.

It is due to several factors.The condition in both men and women is called androgenetic alopecia .Pattern baldness in men is caused by genes inherited either from one or both parents.The testosterone converts into dehydrotestosterone (DHT)and causes the hair follicles to shrink.Apart from a genetic predisposition, stress,shrinking hair follicles,mental anxiety,medical conditions,the side effects of medication like chemotherapy, dietary changes, hormonal changes caused by pregnancy,menopause or puberty periods also contribute to hair loss.Hair shampoos,colouring,bleaching and hard brushing also cause hair stress.

To regrow hair there are several medications for men and womenwhich can either be applied to the affected parts or taken orally.They act as inhibitors and prevents the body from converting testosterone into DHT which causes pattern baldness.One FDA approved drug is Minoxidil which is marketed under the brand name Rogaine.It is now sold over the counter and is the most effective topical hair loss treatment for men and women. It takes several months to show results.

Another FDA approved drug is Finasteride which is sold under the brand name Propecia.It takes about three months to show results.This drug, however,should not be taken by pregnant women or those who can get pregnant as it could cause harm to the foetus.

Those suffering from hair loss also have three surgical options - hair transplants,scalp reduction and scalp flap surgery.

In the first procedure,the hair is taken from the back and sides of the scalp and transplanted to the areas where there is dormant growth of hair. Hair transplant is used in conjunction with the other two procedures, scalp reduction and scalp flap surgery.Women,however,are not suitable for hair transplant as the nature of their hair loss is different.

The surgeon who performs the scalp reduction procedure,reduces the bald spot.But this treatment is only good for men who do not have a large bald spot at the top of their head.

The third procedure is done on patients who are totally bald in the front scalp but have healthy hair elsewhere on their head.The doctor removes a portion of healthy scalp and transplants it on the affected area of the head.

There are risks involved in surgical procedures and among them are scarring and injury.Those who do not want surgery can choose a non-surgical option. Hair weaving or non-surgical hair replacement will restore the appearance of a full head of hair without using wigs or surgery.Both men and women are suitable candidates for this treatment which does not harm existing hair.

Hair loss patients are strongly advised to consult a dermatologist or doctor who will assess their condition and prescribe a safe treatment for their problem.

To find out more about a proven and safe hair loss treatment click here

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